Resident Information

Access Control
A valid fob and/or remote is required to access your nominated doors/floors within Hedgeley.  An accepted fob will unlock doors for approximately 5 seconds.  Fob acceptance is indicated by a green light (LED) on the reader and a beep noise. When exiting through the foyer doors, you will need to press the “exit” button.  For other access doors, simply turn the free handle to exit.
Access Security

Residents are reminded to not provide access to people you do not know. This includes tradespeople and people claiming to be residents who have lost a key and/or similar. Although you may want to be helpful, please direct them to contact: the Building Manager on 0475 000 115 between 8am to 4pm Monday to Friday.

If you have any concerns, please contact the Police on 000.

Air conditioning Units

Air Conditioning units have filters and components that should be periodically cleaned and serviced.  Failure to undertake preventative maintenance can result in a build-up of dust in the filters and you may experience reduced airflow and increased operating noise; it could also cause damage to the compressor or fan.

Filters should be cleaned at least once every three months and, if the unit is used regularly, every two weeks.  Please refer to the manufacturer’s operating manual for instructions on how and when to clean the air filters (available from using the model number on the side of the inside unit).  Some filters are in the wall unit, while others are in the ceiling; if you unsure about what to do or do not feel comfortable climbing a ladder, it is suggested that a qualified technician is engaged.

Compressors should be serviced annually by a qualified technician.  If it is on a balcony, access is via the apartment.  Some are on the roof, in which case the Building Manager needs to be contacted to arrange a time for your technician to access the roof area.

NOTE: From time-to-time the Owners Corporation is facilitating filter cleaning or air-conditioning service calls.  Look out for notice of these or contact the Building Manager for more details.


Hedgeley is occasionally subject to very strong winds. During windy periods, there is a high risk of items left on balconies, including furniture, being lifted into the air and flying from balconies onto other properties or the street below.

To prevent this, please ensure all belongings are appropriately secured.  Your cooperation is essential to ensuring the health and safety of all residents and visitors to Hedgeley.

It is the resident’s responsibility to maintain the condition and appearance of their balcony.


Bicycles can be stored in the purpose-built bicycle storage areas located within the Courtyard Level car park or the dedicated bicycle storage room located near the rear entrance to the Entry Level, or in private storage cages located within Basement car park.

Bicycles are not to be taken through the Ground Floor lobby and must enter and exit the building via the carpark entrance/exit.

Bicycles may not be inappropriately stored on or attached to Common Property.

Care of your FOB and Remote
Your access fob and remote may be damaged if it is placed near a magnetic source or submerged in water.  It is each resident’s responsibility to take care of their access device.
Dropping items from balconies

The dropping of cigarette butts, bottles, or any other item from balconies is not only inconsiderate but may also lead to injury or damage.  Residents are reminded that Hedgeley is home to a large number of residents.


Pets are not permitted in the Cinema or Gym at any time.

Pets must be on a leash while in common areas, which include corridors, lifts, carparks and the rooftop garden area and not be left unattended anywhere, which includes balconies.

Residents are responsible for ensuring their pets do not urinate and/or defecate on Common Property.  In the event of an accident, residents must ensure they clean up after their pets.  The costs of any additional cleaning will be charged back to the pet owner’s lot.


All renovations require prior approval from the Owners Corporation.  Please contact:

Engine Property Group

1800 engine (1800 364 463)
Landline: (03) 9088 8457

or Building Manager on 
0475 000 115

Residents are advised to not proceed until they have received written confirmation from the Owners Corporation

Renovations include but are not limited to aircon installations, carpets, flooring windows etc.  Fire systems may need to be isolated.  It is safer to ask before proceeding with any work.


Smoking is not permitted at any time in or on any part of the Common Property.

Smoking inside the building may result in the fire alarm and/or sprinklers activating. If that happens, the fire brigade is automatically called and may charge a call-out fee of about $5,000, which will be charged directly to the resident identified as being responsible.

Vehicle Access

Residents must use their remote controls to open the car park doors, which are access controlled.

Residents are reminded that allowing access to another person is to be avoided.

Would you like to contact the Building Manager?